How a TrueRev invoice looks

How invoices appear in TrueRev and how you can edit them

Written by Samuel Agha
Updated over a week ago

Your invoice is a document that outlines the details of the sale of your product or service to your customer. The details typically include: Sellers details, buyers details, the service or item sold (quantity and price), taxes and the total amount owed.

Of course this is rather straight forward. But with TrueRev, the entire process from adding a new subscription, creating/sending invoice and accepting the payment is automated.

An invoice is automatically created when:

  • A Customer creates, renews or updates a subscription

  • A new charge is added

  • An invoice is generated for unbilled charges

  • An invoice is generated using regenerate invoice option

So what does an Invoice from TrueRev look like?

Here's an example:

Keep in mind that it's customizable

When you go into settings, you'll be able to customize the invoice prefix, suffic and custom name as well as the invoice terms.

Here's how to do that:

  1. Select Settings in the menu column on the left.

  2. Select Invoice Settings in the subheading of settings.

  3. From here, select Invoice Settings to customize the invoice you send your clients.

For more information in invoice settings, watch this clip below:

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